SHOP:ウェビック 楽天市場店
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■商品概要【タイプ】anodized■詳細説明Model: R1200GS & Adv.Bikes in oder to customize your BMW R1200GS’s or R1200GSAdventure’sspeedo.Made of milled or laser cutted aluminium polished or anodized.Very easy to mount with usual silicon.An install instruction is included in the set for the speedo andtherevolution counter.When you have no silicone at home you can also order ourhighqualitysilicone which is already filled in the volume you needand easy todose.■注意点※日本語の説明書は付属しません。
■適合車種R1200 GS Adventure R1200 GS AdventureR1200 GS R1200 GS...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る