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EXTREME COMPONENTSエクストリームコンポーネンツ メーターカバー メーターステー付エアスクープ
■商品概要Telaietto porta strumenti con tubo airbox Tachometer support withairbox inlet tube■詳細説明Tachometer support with airbox inlet tube (in a unique piece) forBMW S1000RR 2019/2022 and M1000RR,realized in pre-preg carbon fiberworked in autoclave at 6 BAR of pressure and 90°.Considering our experience with S1000rr started in 2009 with thefirst version of S1000rr,in this new tachometer support with airboxinlet tube we decided to lightly change the structure in the upperside,making a large border to guarantee a total protection of thedashboard.Our tachometer support with airbox inlet tube offer the plug andplay installation of the original / OEM dashboard but can also beused with all the other type of professional dashboard making fewlittle modifications.Thanks to the particular structure of the molds and the use ofcarbon we are able to guarantee a great structural resistance alsoif the weight is absolutely amazing:only 409 gr (+/- 5%).Our tachometer support with airbox inlet tube is much l...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る