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ARROWアロー エキゾーストパイプ レーシングエキスパートパイプ
■商品概要■レーシングヘッダー材質:ステンレスCOセンサー取付穴:なしO2センサー取付穴:あり消音バッフル:なし■詳細説明Collectors and pipes are a most important component of an exhaustsystem,making it possible to reach very important gains in terms ofpower and torque.Made in AISI 304 stainless steel and,for competition Full Titaniumsystems,in titanium,Arrow collectors design comes from theexperience gained and the results achieved in years of races at alllevels,with the un-replaceable “touch” of the master mechanicsworking in the R&D:diameters,sections,bends,section changesweldings and layout are carefully designed and developed on thebike to create a product with high performance,durable,reliable andwith the unique Arrow style.Depending on engine configuration and its spark timing,the layoutcan be really different as it’s needed to adapt it to changingneeds:that’s why we speak about different schemes like4:2:1,4:2:2,2:1:2,4:2:1:2 and so on.To follow one scheme or another is a most important decision,to betaken at the very start of the projec...楽天市場のショップで商品詳細の続きを見る